87. "and we gave moses the book, and after him sent messengers in
succession; and we gave jesus, son of mary, clear signs,
and confirmed him with the holy spirit.
is it that whensoever (thereafter) there came to you a messenger,
with what your selves desire not, you became arrogant ?
some you denied, and others you slay."
88. " and they said: ` our hearts are covered '.
nay! allah has cursed them for their disbelief.
little is that which they believe."

commentary :

their covered hearts

in these verses, again, the children of israel are addressed. yet
the concepts and criteria mentioned in them are universal and apply to

at first, it says: " and we gave moses the book,..."

"... and after him sent messengers in succession; ..."

there came messengers such as david, solomon, joshua,
zacharia and john.

"... and we gave jesus, son of mary, clear signs, and confirmed him
with the holy spirit. ..."

"...is it that whensoever (thereafter) there came to you a messenger,
with what your selves desire not,
you became arrogant ? ..."

this domination of desire on you was so intense that from among
those prophets:

"... some you denied, and others you slay."

this verse makes a fact clear that the divine apostles, when
communicating their prophecies, on the path of allah, were heedless
of the oppositions of the materialists. and, it must be so, because a
correct sincere leadership is not anything save that. if prophets tend to
follow the unconditioned desires of people and adapt themselves to
people's selfish inclinations, they will be the followers of ` the misled '
rather than being a divine leader for the followers of the path of truth.

" and they said: ` our hearts are covered.'... "
"... nay! allah has cursed them for their disbelief. ..."

and it is for the same reason that: "... little is that which they

the above sentence may be about the jews who either rejected
the prophets (p.b.u.h.) or killed them. it is also probable that it refers
to the jews who were comtemporary with the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.)
and used to inflexibly oppose him with obstinacy and enmity. however,
it states the fact that man, following his desires, may reach a point that
he be cursed by allah and be deprived of his mercy. it is in this case
that his heart is enclosed in a covering so tight that the truth can rarely
penetrate into it.